Raine Euphemia

The Porcelain Auri

An au'ra not from the Steppe, Raine materialized from the death of Ingrid Gaal in Garlemald as an entity of hate. The loss of her own sense had left her open to the eldritch horrors beyond the veil of existence, until she had come across the fae and found herself drawn to a devotion of humanity.
Raine now spends her time in Eorzea atoning for her atrocities, imbibing in pleasures of the flesh, and seeing the lands for what they are now.

More on Raine

Loveless Rise

Akin to a phoenix, Raine had risen from the ashes of her fallen counter, Ingrid Gaal. Raine was not born, but materialized to the planes of Eorzea, without attachment to mortals or memories, Raine could only assume what she was, or where she came from.Raine stood atop a cold, hard steeled body as she came to, her form coated in a black ink that slowly melted to create her skin. She stepped wordlessly from what was: Ingrid's body, to what is: the red stained snow that stung her new skin.She didn't know who, or what she was; she didn't know why she was, only that she was. The only thought that ran into her survive. She clamored to the ground, slamming into bodies, she shivered violently in shock and cold air, and threw on the clothes of a fallen soldier. The name tape read: "Euphemia", she trudged on into the desolate snowy warzone, unsure if her thought was a guide or a trap.Raine was drawn to Camp Broken Glass. The aetheryte beckoned her through the echoes of her past life. The others did not know a foot soldier of the same name, and upon investigation, was to be called upon as the leader of the front against the bloodthirsty xaela she remembered to step from. Raine took from this: she was injured and lost her memory, and that Ingrid had killed her men.

Beauty in Hate

Raine was not born of love like other Eorzeans, and could not understand this love on her own. For this Eldrich beings called to her from beyond the mortal realm, offering her many gifts of power in exchange for their bidding. She took every offering openly, marking her face with metals to pull and call upon each entity. Her fingers stained with the same ink she was born from, she was told this to be aether.She plucked a black ring from her nose, and before her popped an entity of unspeakable horror, garbling to her: "Speak your demands for my pay, inked child."
Raine does not flinch, her hair swirling freely in energy unpronounced to the lands surrounding her, as if a wind that could only encompass her. "Lead me to where Ingrid Gaal, of Eorzea lived, and the friends she has." she demanded, dropping the metal from her face to the horror.
Her skin paled, reflecting the brittle snow of Garlemald. Raine's porcelain complexion made her look fragile. A trait she would use to her advantage. She would use her looks to get close to powerful men and make them crumble beneath her. In the name of the Empire. In the name of Raine Euphemia.

Fall of Eldrich

The Eldritch beasts plaguelike malignance left her sleep marnless and full of thought, consumed with distorted images of sinners she created. Whispers of the injustices she inflicted upon the lives she wrought with ruin, Raine's mind was crossed as pity filled the cracks of what was inconsequential. Presented with a forked path, she must choose: continue the bidding of masters, or become her own.Raine's chest heaved, expanding and falling in gulps of pained and anguished breathing. "AGHHHWHNNNAAAAAAAA" Her screams rip through the air before a small -tink- of metal, falling onto the marbled floor of the study. Tears stream as she grips, readying to pull the next marking from her nose.She looked in the mirror, a cracked, pale face, smeared in blood and tears, holes punctuating her face in a carnage she loathed stares back at her. "Fuck.... YOU" she screamed at the reflection, slamming into the mirror in a blind rage.Scars of the betrayal became evident, so Raine chose to wear casual piercings, covering up all that she endured by her own hand. She packed a bag, and took off from the snowfields of Garlemald, hunting for a replacement of the men she still assumed to have lost. Without the laws of dark Gods to guide her, she found comfort in death, leaving it as a wake in her path.

Fey Acceptance

Roaming fruitlessly through the lands of Eorzea, Raine felt as though the meaning to her existence was questioned. Her ventures ran through many lands as a shadow of her former self; and she found herself praying to whatever deities may hear her for a sign.Glancing around, Raine found herself in a lands filled with hues of pink flowers, deep azule skies, and the shine of Crystals gleaming in the rays of the sun.
"Where... am I?" her voice crackling with curiosity in a hushed whisper.
"The land of dreams!" replied a disembodied voice, chittering in giggles and mischief. "Now, wouldn't you like to dream? You seem so tired, and your travels have taken you so far." cooed the voice.
Even in her awareness, Raine found herself tired, more than she ever had been; as if she had been entranced in a spell far greater than her own powers. She knew she was weak without her totems of devotion, resisting the coax of the mysterious voice, "I-- I'm not-- tired.." She tried to respond, drifting into a deep slumber.
Raine awoke rapidly, the searing light snapping her eyes open, she found herself in a realm filled with candies and lush grass, in the distance she could see a playground. As she scrambled to her feet she was met with a young pixie, floating above her, eyes wide with shock on her early rise. Raine's prayers had been answered, she found the devotion to dreams and magic in these strange new lands, the fae.

Transform Freedom

In time, Raine came to like her new form. A gift given by the fae, Daen-Gyuf. The physical form furthering her from the bloodshed of her past, it gave her a new life to live. Though, the pixies were not able to rid all of her past, an inked stain remained against her new glass- like fingertips; a constant reminder of who she was. In return, Raine resided in the land of the pixies, aiding in their mischief and learning the ways of fae."And now you tell me there is MORE?! So, now I must collect more? More!?" Raine paused a moment, then huffed playfully with a bright smile glimmering in the sunlight as she walked alongside him. Daen turned to her abruptly, "Yes, yes!! You must eat well!! WELL!!! Well enough that this is far too little for a feast!" The pixie floated upwards into the leaves, plucking only the most vibrant, round plums he could find on the branches above, dropping them into the Raine's basket Raine with a soft thwump.With a quixotic tilt of her head, "Even so, you have tell me what the feast is for! You can't always keep your secrets from me! Why keep me in the dark?!" Raine called up to the canopy. Resistant to her inquiries and probing, Daen hummed before taunting her, "Oh you will know soon enough! Perhaps even toniiiighhhtt~."The feast came with new knowledge, as well as heartbreak. Against her protests, Raine was freed from the faewilds, released to the lands of Eorzea.

New Devotion

Story coming soon


  • Raine loves dates (be it dancing, bathing, or grabbing a bite, she loves the company of others!

  • Raine could spend hours listening to music, speak of your favorite tunes, or play her a song.

  • Raine loves adventure and feywilds, take her on an adventure to new locations, and she is sure to light up!


3-5 ParagraphsPlayfully Sweet
PansexualSwitch/ Dom Leaning